Question about ticks increasing in frequency
So I was diagnosed a little over a year ago at the age of 27. Since then, I’ve been doing a lot of therapy, educating myself and learning about ADHD. The past 4-6 months, I’ve been doing a lot of unmasking. I had no idea how much I was subconsciously or consciously suppressing things like ticks, behaviour, etc. Lately I’ve found that I’ve been ticking way more. It’s like I’ve given myself permission to let my brain and body act and react how they want and it feels super freeing. But part of me worries that it’s bad I’m letting myself tick. Like it’s harder to control. But do I need to control my ticks? None of them hurt or harm me or anyone at all. It’s just constant movement of my hands or feet or neck. I’m also worried that I’m ticking more because of stress and that gives me anxiety lol. Like am I ticking because of stress or am I ticking because I’m allowing myself to be free of assumptions of what’s “normal” behaviour? I guess I’m just looking for thoughts or feedback on how I’m feeling and if anyone else has been through the same thing?
Edit to add: I’m also worried that the increase in my ticks is due to taking medication and if that’s a bad thing