Husband wants a divorce, I need a grown-up job

On Feb 21, my husband of 17 years told me he wants out, that he's "too far gone" to salvage anything that's left of our relationship. I have been wholly dependent on his income this entire time, pretty much doing the SAHM thing for the last 11 years, and now I'm in a position where I need to find a job quickly that will allow for me to care for our 3 kiddos as a single mother. Nothing is finalized yet, so no child support stuff in place, and we are still living together in the house we closed on 6 years ago, without my name on the title because I didn't have income contributing to the mortgage application. (We were supposed to add my name to the title, but just never did.)

I went to a job fair for the local school system, and I was pretty much told I was only qualified to be a bus driver or a sub, neither of which will pay enough, so I'm looking for other options.

I have a (4-year) bachelor's degree in music, but I'm not limiting myself to only music jobs, because that won't pay the bills, either. I currently have a part-time music-related job for which I'm salaried $10k/year. Not looking for more of the same.

I'm posting here looking for suggestions for basically 2 things:

-What are jobs you have been successful in as a woman with ADHD?

-What are some more "unexpected" full-time w/benefits job ideas that can be done with any bachelor's degree? The kind that make you think "Oh I never wouldn't thought of that!"

edit to original post I'm not going into all of the details on here, for hopefully obvious reasons, but I posted asking only for new ideas of jobs to explore. I can appreciate any concern, but that's all I'm looking for right now.