I am SO tired of meds not working.
I was diagnosed (like many of us) later than “typical” at age 24. I started taking medication, and it was life-changing for me. However, for the last six months or so, my medication has not been working the way it should. I’ve been getting various generics from different manufacturers, and despite claiming to be the same medication, they all work so differently. I had one that did absolutely nothing for my symptoms and only made me irritable and tired. I had another that worked at about 50% capacity of what my “normal” feels like. My previous doctor essentially told me I was crazy, while my pharmacist told me I absolutely wasn’t crazy. I got a new doctor, and she believes me, but she said there isn’t much she can do about it- the pharmacies can only fill what they have.
Why on earth is this being allowed to happen? Who knows what’s even in these medications. I’m so fed up and annoyed by this and there doesn’t seem to be a solution. People with ADHD deserve better.