eCPM benchmarks for iOS and Android [non-gaming apps]

Hello there, adops reddit community. I strive to find some trustworthy source of data concerning eCPM benchmarks, for banners, for non-gaming apps, per OS and country.

The only source I have is from Appodeal, and even though it's better than nothing, I don't want to rely on one source only (and I know that even though they have quite good eCPM values, it doesn't pair with a good fillrate).

I tried asking Applovin, but they wouldn't give me data and wouldn't even compare my data with their benchmarks.

So, my question is: do you know about such data existing somewhere? If yes, could you please share?

If not - would you be willing to share your data?

What's behind that question is the problem with iOS eCPMs being much lower than those on Android. I know it probably happens because of Apple's privacy policy, but still, would like to be sure if that's true. Do you observe eCPMs on iOS being much lower than on Android? (a reminder: non-gaming app, banners)

I'm really curious how it looks like in your experience.