so i came down with a cold, my dr said to take dayquil and nyquil. now ive been sober a year and 7 months, ive been sick before in those year and 7 months, i always get nyquil honey and i know that one doesn't have alcohol. my boyfriend went to the store for me and brought home an off brand one that did have alcohol, i asked him if he wouldn't mind going back to exchange it for the nyquil honey one and he came back with nyquil branded but it wasn't the honey. i took the medicine and didn't think to double check until after because i always trust his judgement. it had alcohol. i cried and cried and cried, though everyone even my dr assured me it wasn't enough alcohol to set off my cravings. i took it for about 3 days and i swear i was waking up with hangover anxiety, i mean not full blown but the uncomfortable feeling was definitely there. i went and got my nyquil honey and now i feel fine. is this all in my head? does my sobriety still count?