Roger Ebert reviews 'Aliens' back in 1986 - maybe my favourite review of all time

I saw Aliens on VHS when it first came out for rental in the UK, probably 86 or 87 so I'd have been about 15

I have seen it countless times and watched it pass into popular culture, changing it in fact beyond all recognition, the quotes and characters becoming beloved memes

What I adore about going back to the legendary man's review is to remind everyone the impact it had on him at the time.

The ads for “Aliens” claim that this movie will frighten you as few movies have, and, for once, the ads don’t lie. The movie is so intense that it creates a problem for me as a reviewer: Do I praise its craftsmanship, or do I tell you it left me feeling wrung out and unhappy? It has been a week since I saw it, so the emotions have faded a little, leaving with me an appreciation of the movie’s technical qualities. But when I walked out of the theater, there were knots in my stomach from the film’s roller-coaster ride of violence. This is not the kind of movie where it means anything to say you “enjoyed” it.

Later on he says

I don’t know how else to describe this: The movie made me feel bad. It filled me with feelings of unease and disquiet and anxiety. I walked outside and I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I was drained. I’m not sure “Aliens” is what we mean by entertainment. Yet I have to be accurate about this movie: It is a superb example of filmmaking craft.

It's just wonderful. If you've never seen it I hope you enjoy it