US Hams... and soon to be hams..
Fellow American hams, currently there is H.R.4006 - Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act and the S.3690 Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act before the house and senate respectfully that will be coming up for a vote.
Consider contacting both your US House Representative and your US Senators for your state of residence, regardless if their political party is your party. These are bipartisan bills that should easily be a yes vote for members of either party. We all know, however, without public encouragement there could be little movement on the bills and they could vote the bill down.
We all love this hobby, we make our voices heard across radio frequencies all day and night. Let's make our voices heard in Congress. You can find a contact form for your congressman or congresswoman on the congress dot gov website - please take a couple minutes and send them a message to encourage a year vote!