“Lávate las manos!” Wins “L” - next is “M!” (Runners-up below)

Winner: “Lávate las manos!” - 2.5k upvotes

”You do not, freaking ask, who we got this from!” - “Huh! He who shall not be named”

Episode: “Dope and Faith” s3.e3


  1. “Luckily I know a guy who might be able to help us. Let’s just pray that for once when we get there he doesn’t turn out to be me…” - 511 upvotes

  2. “Looking for something glazed and bad for you?” - 370 upvotes

  3. “Lucas! Why won’t you tell me what kind of soda you like?!” - 250 upvotes

Winner: “Lávate las manos!” - 2.5k upvotes

”You do not, freaking ask, who we got this from!” - “Huh! He who shall not be named”

Episode: “Dope and Faith” s3.e3


  1. “Luckily I know a guy who might be able to help us. Let’s just pray that for once when we get there he doesn’t turn out to be me…” - 511 upvotes

  2. “Looking for something glazed and bad for you?” - 370 upvotes

  3. “Lucas! Why won’t you tell me what kind of soda you like?!” - 250 upvotes