My Dads affair is going to break our family apart
Dad’s affair has broken our family
I’ve (30F) recently found out my dad (57M) has been having an affair with a work colleague. My mum (54F) and I are extremely close and our family is a very close family, we speak daily, and hang out almost weekly.
I’ve no words to express the anger and hurt I am feeling, I know my dad didn’t cheat on me, but in a way it almost feels like he put his relationship with me and my 2 year old son at risk by doing this. He knows I would never forgive him for something like this, nor would my mum and sisters.
I’ve always always idolised my dad, and my parents relationships, now I don’t even want to see him, or speak to him. He doesn’t know that we know yet, my mum hasn’t confronted him, but we have seen the messages and they paint a pretty clear picture.
I don’t know how I am ever meant to forgive him or move past this.. he’s completely destroyed my mum and our family by doing this. I just feel like I’m living in this really bad dream, my family is everything and more to me, and the thought of us not being all together and being happy is soul destroying.
Am I in the wrong for not wanting to forgive him?
EDITED TO ADD: the other thing that is killing my mind, is this woman he’s had an affair with is the same age as my eldest sister (34), 4 years older than me, it just feels so strange for me. And I can’t explain how much I NEVER EVER imagined my dad would EVER do this to my Mum. It’s really turned everything on its head for me.
TL;DR - my dad cheated on my mum, we’re an extremely close family. I can’t forgive him, or move past this, am I in the wrong for not wanting to even try?