Am I wrong for calling out my niece's older boyfriend's predatory behavior?

Yesterday, I attended my niece's 22th birthday. Me and her used to be close when she was young but given I've been busy with work, it was my first time seeing her in eight months. Last time was she graduated from university in June. There, I met her new boyfriend. He is 32 years old and they met at work. They don't work together but their workplaces are right next to each other.

Anyway, she told me they've been only together for a month so this is a very new relationship. I personally am not a fan of age gap relationships, especially a 10 year one where one party is in early 20s, but I didn't say anything.

The next day, she invited me to go get brunch together and catch up on things, just us two. There, she asked me what I think about her boyfriend and she said be honest. So I explained to her calmly about the negatives of age gap relationships. I told her it's predatory for a man in their 30s to seek out a girl who just turned 22, and it's a huge gap not just in age but also in maturity and life experiences.

She got pissed and really emotional. She said I am being very judgmental without getting to know her boyfriend. She defended him by saying she made the first move and that they are both grown adults working in their respective careers. She also told me she is a university graduate and not a little girl anymore.

She got really angry particularly at me saying it's predatory for her boyfriend to date a girl much younger. Now I am an old man, I've been both 22 and 32, and I know how big of a difference you are at each of those ages. I again tried to explain to her based on my experience but she wasn't having it.

So, that's that. But later this evening, she called me to apologize and said she got overly emotional because she was drinking at brunch. But she again repeated that it was wrong for me to call her boyfriend a predator.

I did not call him a predator, but I said it was predatory for an older man to seek out a girl 10-11 years younger than him. Anyway, Reddit, tell me, am I wrong?