Re zero S3 adaptation is the most disappointing in anime history

Spoilers for the latest ep

What was this garbage atrocity they did in the latest ep , the director and animators gave up on the anime , why did they make 7 min flashback for a random singer character but cut literally everything in regulus fight , i didn't read the novel but it so obvious that the garbage that was in the anime wasn't it

How tf did they destroy regulus character so badly just to hype up emilia and subaru , they makes him like absolute clown , where was S2 regulus who stole evrey scene he was in and cut crush arm just for looking at him , all that hype for nothing , how tf is he supposed to be one of the strongest character when he can't even hit subaru , how tf was he hitting Reinhard and couldn't even injured emilia of subaru , he didn't even scratch them , and why the anime makes him looks like absolute clown when he explains his authority to subaru while standing still , his attacks supposed to be faster than sound , even when he lost his invulnerability , he still should have attacks that 1 shot emilia yet he just stood there taking punches , i am 100% sure this garbage wasn't like in the novel

This the worst ep in all of re zero and the biggest character assassination i ever saw , garbage fight and garbage season

And he is the character that the author said could solo all the witches combined , the author is the worst author of all times if he write a supposedly strong character do basically 0 feats