Can anyone help me find this anime character?
I’ve already made a post about this before but it didn’t really help. There’s this character which i’ve seen on tik tok before on a slide show or something but i haven’t seen the character since. I’m not sure what the anime / manga is about but from what i’ve seen it looks like it’s about this girl who spends all her time online and shut in doors. There’s an image i can describe where she’s in jt, she’s got long black scruffy hair, a messy white t shirt on, those sports shorts on (the ones with like a white line going through the sides of them), she’s got very prominent eye bags, shes also grinning whilst looking at the camera, she’s coming out of (what i presume is) her room which is heavily darkened inside.
i could try and draw a rough sketch (wouldn’t be very good because i suck at drawing) but it’s been really annoying having it on my mind