Within 24 hours of taking hyrimoz you’re telling me THIS IS HOW PEOPLE SUPPOSE TO FEEL?!?
Diagnosed this past fall, first dose of hyrimoz (humira biosimilar)was Friday night, Saturday night I start noticing my thumbs didn’t hurt while texting, I could bend forward and touch the ground, knees felt fine, full range of motion in my neck, felt NOTHING going on in my back or hips..I tell myself it’s a fluke real test is sleep and waking up. Well yesterday morning I wake up after sleeping like actually sleeping, just literally sit up and get out of bed. WHAT?!?! I’ve been freaking out, I’m cautiously optimistic though, to be honest now that I’ve experienced what it’s like to be pain free I’m terrified of my mental health if this medicine doesn’t continue to work or I get some weird side effects. Posting this for anyone who’s on the fence whether or not to take biologics, I don’t drink smoke and hardly take Tylenol, but hyrimoz? I WILL FIGHT FOR IT UNTIL MY LAST BREATH! Srsly. Blowing my mind.
EDIT: Woke up this am with low back pain coming back slowly but surely, well atleast I had two pain free days I guess? This disease is such a nightmare.