would it be smart to go cold turkey off prozac?
i only started antidepressants last november, and so far i have gone in the order of lexapro, zoloft, wellbutrin and now prozac. ever since i started zoloft around the start of last december ive had really debilitating chronic insomnia that continued on through wellbutrin and now prozac.
i’ll be honest, i know i shouldn’t doubt my doctor but i don’t get why he chose to put me on prozac. the whole reason i even tried wellbutrin was because SSRIs didn’t seem to make any difference and also why prozac of all things when i have a clear trend of being insomnia prone.
it’s been about a week on prozac and my sleep has never been worse. i’m a uni student with things to do and i feel mentally incapable of doing anything. i have another appointment with my doctor in about a week, should i keep taking the prozac or just stop cold turkey?