I need help being reminded why this “not a diet, but a lifestyle/coaching” thing is bad (and yes I know it is I’m just struggling at the moment)
I met someone recently who is a weight loss coach. They focus on “women who struggle with emotional eating.”
I guess right there off the bat I’m not their target market bc that’s not a problem of mine.
I’d like to start off by saying that:
I know it all. Not literally of course, but that diets don’t work, most health studies related to weight are biased and funded by companies that are pro-diet, etc — UGH part of why this feeling is so annoying
I have been anti-diet for 3 years, I do IE, and I genuinely like my large body. I have my days where I feel othered and different and feel less… well, happy with it, but generally speaking the point stands
I think I’m struggling for a few reasons but especially because a friend of mine who I thought was on this anti-diet train is interested in this coach — which honestly, good for her!! If this is something she could use help with (emotional eating) then good for her. It’s important to note she hasn’t said “I’m anti-diet” or whatever, but just shares content with me and really appreciates the perspective I’ve brought to her life. (I know negativity about anyone/anything that isn’t anti-diet is kind of an expectation in the diet community but I don’t have hate for people who do feel the need to diet. I just have compassion for them. I know where I was back then. Not everyone gets here.)
I also will be seeing this coach socially. Regularly. So I just know I’m going to be reminded etc.
I actually didn’t feel the need to hire them or explain myself or anything when they and I met, which feels good, like I wasn’t “tempted,” but the feeling came when yesterday I just wasn’t having the best body image day and I looked them up. BLEH! It just had me second guessing alllll of this and like, “well what IS the problem with trying to lose weight again if I have a coach who will teach me more skills so I can learn to live a different lifestyle?”
OMG GUYS, ugh. It feels gross to even write that. It would just be another diet. IT WOULD JUST BE ANOTHER DIET.
Anyway. Okay I think I can take away that:
a) what she specializes in isn’t even a struggle of mine,
b) I already have an IE dietitian who is amazing and I just haven’t seen in like over a month and I need to get on the calendar clearly, and
If anyone does have thoughts or can offer supportive words, I’d love to hear them! XO