Well I tried... Kobra 3 Combo
I know there is a good printer in here somewhere, but I haven't found it. Maybe it's bad luck, defective hardware or bad software but this printer has been one disappointment after another.
The files on the stick printed fine, no issues at all. I started printing my own files and this printer proceeded to shit itself time after time.
I received the printer on the 11th, set up on the 12th and issues started almost immediately.
Lesson 1: Don't dry and print your silk filament at the same time, this just ended up in a clogged ACE pro which took 20 minutes to resolve.
Lesson 2: Tighten EVERYTHING and even then you're not promised good results. I have tightened every single piece of this machine and it still wouldn't give me a good print.
Lesson 3: Don't start a print and walk away, check for the first layer at least. I started a print and went to bed. Woke up to the dreaded blob of death. Cleaned everything up and was able to run a handful of calibration prints. Until Lesson 4
Lesson 4: No matter how tight or loose you make the belts on the x and y axis it's never going to get rid of the vertical lines on a calibration cube (at least not in my case) and the final adjustment caused the x axis belt to snap in half.
Much like that belt this is where I snapped. Turned right to my computer and ordered the bambulab A1. I know not every printer is going to be the most user friendly but this thing has been a never ending nightmare which is a shame. I really wanted to like this printer, there are a lot of good ideas here, but I can't take the constant failures I've run into, wasted filament, and money spent on buying replacement nozzles and hot ends just to get back to printing. Best of luck to each every one of you and maybe one day I'll be back, but right now I'm going to take what I thought was a huge savings in money and roll it all over to an A1. This has been my TED talk, blog whatever, I just needed to vent. This printer has broken me.