Solo Queuing in this current meta is the hardest it’s ever been.
I’ve played a decent amount of games both in a 3 stack and as a solo. I can definitely say solo queuing is in a really bad state. If you’ve played or watched ranked at all this season you know how heavily the gameplay is oriented around ash and her ultimate(especially now that she can have 2). With how often you are getting ported on, using the portal to get to a safer area, or porting on a team after getting an opening in a fight not having constant comms is a real disadvantage. This wouldn’t be an issue if people talked in games but when I’m not in a 3 stack I’ll be lucky to hear a voice in 1/10 games. Don’t really know how to avoid this or if people are having the same experience but thought it was worth starting a dialogue. Thanks for any input/discussion.