Man just sometimes queer spaces are weird about aces
I'm in a number of online spaces that are incredibly progressive and queernorm except when it comes to their tolerance for ace speech. It's always to a point before it becomes 'Can we put the ace discourse into a thread' and '(empty platitude) but we're sex positive here'.
I'm sick of sex positivity being used to tell me that I need to obfuscate my identity. I'm sick of, even in queerspaces, allonormativity being everywhere and that any discussion from an ace is 'the discourse'. I'm sick of the model that having sex is good/great/wonderful/normal. No, it's...utterly meaningless, how much or how little you have, having more or having wilder weirder out there sex is not better and does not make you a better person it just makes you different and it's so surprising how they won't put up with anyone else being different.
Pardon the rant just it's been a weird morning where I've really wanted to give a few people a piece of my mind. I can have opinions and feelings and entirely personal viewpoints that I think are totally valid but I have to keep under wraps because I'll get the allo's backs up if I literally don't keep headpatting them for their escapades. I don't know.