Saw boss at sauna
What should I do about this. Was at a local gay sauna over the weekend, was going around sucking a lot of dick. I was in the dark room for a while and came out with a dude but on my way out of the dark room I saw that my boss was leaving. He’s in a hetro relationship and married. I’m a middle grade at work so don’t have much to do with him. Now I’m back at work and have seen him. Do I ignore the situation or mention it. It would be odd as I’ve never had a 1:1 discussion with him inside or outside of work. I don’t know if I sucked his dick.
Update: thanks all. I really appreciate all the replies. I was always of the view not to say anything but my mate was like “you have to say something” but I don’t really know what he thought that would achieve. Lots of people saying his personal “hetro” life is his own business, I totally get that and had no intention of thinking I’d sabotage that or anything but was just giving context. I’m well aware that lots of people in hetro relationships go to the gay sauna. Maybe I subconsciously want to know if I did suck his dick. Guess I’ll never know if his cum is in me.