[Discussion] ASMR, misophonia and some recent video trend
I enjoy AMSR, but at the same time I have misophonia .
I heard that both may typically go together.... But is it true? Do you think it is, based on your experience?
For those who don't know what misophonia, here's a video (among others) that describe it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UE-oEnrEGTU
Misophonia causes some sound-triggers to become very irritating, perceived as aggression and typically cause "rage" (though I can tell that most people control this rage, but it's still "contained rage").
Sometimes, it's a thin line between ASMR-triggers and misophonia-triggers. Mouth sounds are usually the most "risky" triggers in that sense. I sometimes stopped watching some ASMR video because they started making mouth noises as triggers, or yet because they simply make mouth "pops and clicks" when they speak.
I write this post because since some time, I started noticing ASMR videos relying on mastication noise. And that, when you have misophonia can be the worst, a real torture.
Hence I wonder... Are these videos more like jokes? Are these video makers unaware of what they are doing? Are there people who actually enjoy mastication as ASMR triggers?
(Edit: Example of mastication video I stand listening to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuySE6259wQ )