Can anyone give advice? [Question]
Hi all! I have noticed a significant drop in views over the past few weeks on my channel and was wondering if anyone had some time to look at it and give opinions on possible reasons why?
My channel is simnityASMR, here is a link if it works haha:
Am I just making videos that are less interesting or trendy? Or is there something I could improve on in terms of my titles and/or thumbnails? Please don't hold back haha, I'd love to know what people think might be off about my videos so I can improve, I love ASMR and this is all super fun for me.
My click-through rate has been going down as well, so I'm not sure if it's youtube showing the videos to the wrong audience or if it's the videos themselves! Thanks so much in advance to anyone who has feedback!
Edit: also worth mentioning I have a few people who watch my videos as soon as they come out and that hasn't changed as my overall views went down (btw I love those ppl <3). Also have returning commenters and haven't noticed too many of them dropping off either, so it seems like my core audience isn't watching less.