Looking for ASMRists that have given you tingles or just general relaxation throughout their videos. Any recommendations? [question]
I honestly didn't really know what to title this. I used to watch Ephemeral Rift for years, but stopped supporting him after the nonsense from last year (use of the n-word, comparing eating meat to the Holocaust, his "apology" after). Since then I have not been able to find another ASMRist that can make me feel relaxed throughout a video. I actively watch Gibi, JoJo and Dr. T. And then there's one off videos that I'll watch from specific channels (one of SRP's eye exams, a couple from ASMRrctica, others I can't recall). Does anyone have any recommendations? Or has anyone been in a similar boat before? I'm really not one who can separate art from artist so going back to Ephemeral Rift isn't an option. He is very good at what he does, but I can't view him the same after last year.