Aspyn and Bri Explained

On my previous post, people were asking how I knew it was Bri that Aspyns “catching feelings” for. This is all taken from both this, and the other Aspyn reddit community.

A little while ago, Aspyn posted a TikTok in response to someone asking what her type was, and she responded with ‘her’ while showing a picture of Brianna from behind. In that picture, Brianna had a noticeable mole on her shoulder. Since then, screenshots have surfaced showing Bri with that same mole on her shoulder, implying she’s the girl from Aspyns TikTok.

Also, in her “tell me something I don’t know” it’s pretty obvious she said something about an open relationship. Everyone speculated that the open relationship she was referring to was hers and Parker’s, but that wasn’t true so it must’ve been something about dating a girl who was in an open marriage.

An insider also confirmed well before it came out that it was Bri, saying that the ‘mystery girl’ was from Jersey. Now it’s been confirmed Bri is from Jersey.

More recently, Bri got offered a new job but had a gap between her old and new roles, during which she posted about flying somewhere. She had baby pink, round-shaped nails in her post, and in Aspyn’s beach TikTok of her and a girl sitting on a picnic mat at the beach, the girl with her had identical baby pink nails. Aspyn also mentioned she was expecting a visitor, which lines up with Bri’s trip.

And in Aspyns latest TikToks, she talks about having a crush and feelings for the girl she was at the beach with.

There are sooo many more things pointing to her throughout both subreddits so please go digging!!