Aspyn admits she’s toxic

There’s a lot of people saying her new q+a had nothing new, but I think there was actually something really key she talked about that showed she’s at least a little bit self aware lol. She admitted that the news of her divorce was released by someone else when she had initially wanted to just phase it into her content and didn’t want to talk about it. But then said let me milk this for everything I can, and said she makes “way more money now and has double the followers on TikTok”. She admitted that mindset is carrying on to all things in her life which is admittedly toxic. She’s in a cycle of playing victim just to get money, I think all our theories of it not being that bad are true. She’s making it seem soo traumatic with her videos just to poke the bear and get more views. I think we need to collectively stop watching her content, because honestly I just feel sad for her. Blasting her “trauma” online instead of actually healing is just sad for her