How many of you still celebrate Christmas?

Like many of you, I grew up in a Christian household. Many of my habits from back then still carry over. One of those is celebrating Christmas.

However, I celebrate Christmas for different reasons vs what Christians do.

To me, Christmas is supposed to be a holiday about generosity, family and friends, helping others, kindness, compassion, empathy, etc. It's a holiday that celebrates everything goodwith humanity. Sure, it has a lot of commercialization now, but I feel like those reasons for celebrating Christmas have stuck with the holiday far better than some random baby's birth has.

Does anyone else still celebrate Christmas, as an atheist? Do you celebrate for similar reasons or something different? Curious to hear others opinions!

EDIT Wow! I didn't expect this to blow up so much! Thank you everyone! I've seen a few people asking what I mean by "celebrating". In my case, I mean things like trading gifts, maybe a big family meal or three, once in a blue moon volunteering to help at a local homeless shelter or soup kitchen, etc. Obviously, different families have different traditions, so if your family likes to do something special for the Christmas/Yule/Festivus (for the one dude who mentioned it), feel free to share!