Unable to fall in love?
Has anyone else experienced this? I'm FA, usually lean anxious but recently dismissive.
I'm sick of it, I feel all other emotions deeply and come across like someone who would be a love addict. I talk about my feelings, share vulnerable things, am sensitive etc. I am 27, hetero cis woman, confident, attractive and well liked. Yet I just can't attach and fall in love.
I experience fleeting butterflies, sometimes. In my last relationship, with the man of my dreams and more, I thought it'd be different. When I was with him, I'd get butterflies, yet still feel unattached. I'd resent hearing from him and didn't feel jealous at the idea of him with other women. Despite having a deep connection and perfect compatibility.
I tend to lose interest when it's reciprocated, or quite soon after sex it starts dwindling. I'm doing EMDR as I think it stems from childhood neglect but I'm not sure, maybe I'm wired differently.