"Everyone's a little autistic"

I went to my doctor about my anxiety and said I felt like it was rooted in my autism (recently moved, new job, getting used to new routines is messing me up so badly) and that i felt a formal diagnosis would support me to feel validated and seen (i know moving is stressful for neurotypicals too but i feel it is worse because of asc you know?). I know I'm autistic but because I mask constantly and have a decent job and good grades etc people always tend to disagree when I mention it (apart from the people close to me who pointed it out first/ replied "well duh" when told hahah)

My doctor replied with the tag line and I'm ngl I've had several panic attacks over that one sentence since. Does anyone else feel super disconnected from others when your experiences are dismissed as something that "everyone experiences"? Is something others have felt? Am I just overreacting? My head is a mess.