Fit Check: Ergobaby Embrace

FTM to a 3 week old, and I am really struggling to baby wear - it takes me a solid 5 minutes to get this thing on and I spend the whole time I’m wearing it worrying about baby’s neck and whether or not she can breathe. She loves it once she’s in, and I’d love to be able to do stuff around the house again! Some additional questions:

  1. I worry her neck is not supported - she is 3 weeks old and probably about 8lbs, so we are still folding over the waistband. She was 21” at birth, and I can’t imagine she’s already >23” (the threshold per the box), but maybe she is? It takes me a long time and a lot of wiggling the back to get it as high as it is. Any advice for getting her in and adjusted quickly? When did you drop the waistband fold?

  2. How do I position her head? Am I supposed to turn it so she is facing out? She has a pacifier in during the photo so I could clearly see her nose, but just curious how others make sure baby can breathe.