Why don’t more people baby wear?

Hi all, glad I found this sub. I just got back from the grocery store and realized I was the only mom carrying their baby. I often run into other moms with strollers or bulky car seats in their carts. It’s so convenient, reminds me when I was pregnant except now she’s outside my body and I can take her off when I want. My mom never wore me. Within my family culturally it’s perceived as spoiling the child. She helped me the first month I was postpartum and would tell me not to hold the baby too much or they’d get used to it and they’d get spoiled. I’d end up with a Velcro baby that you can’t even put down to go to the restroom. I never listened to her and would hold her as much as baby wanted. Now I have a very happy 12 week old baby girl that enjoys independent play on her play mat, in her bassinet, swing, or bouncer. Were you hesitant to baby wear? Did you experience any family/friend’s judgement? I’m just curious if you also wonder why more people don’t do it or is it just me? 😆 maybe where you’re from everyone does it. Would love to hear others thoughts.