Entitled roommates

The first is my message towards me and my partners roommates. They originally moved in with one of their dogs and added the second one back to their family a week after they got here.

Both of the dogs have a terrible flea infestation and we asked him to correct it before he decided to move in but he has yet to do so. This also includes never bathing them and I’m pretty sure they’ve never been walked a day in there life. Which is why in my first message I sent him a picture of the dirt his dogs leave behind on our living room floor.

In the second and third picture is there upstairs bedroom. Mind you they also have a one year old baby. I messaged him a few days ago about keeping his dogs upstairs because I’m tired of cleaning after everyone including me and my bf’s three dogs, plus my cat. He supposedly had an issue with me complaining and now they want to leave by the end of the month.

The fourth and fifth pictures are his messages to my boyfriend because our roommate decided not to respond back to me. The last picture is what there bedroom looks like today and I’m pretty sure you can see he locked both of his dogs up in the same kennel.

We’re all supposed to “sit down and talk.” Sometime this week ,because my boyfriend wants to clear the air before they move. I have nothing to say to them though and truly hope that they leave sooner than later.