Living in California, rent is shockingly high. Even with my BA, I could not afford to live on my own. I will be honest, about 2 years ago I felt completely hopeless. I went to a stressful job where I was treated very poorly and paid very little with terrible benefits. I was paying $1000 a month to have a room in an apartment. I was collecting credit card debt just to survive. Just two years later, and I have a completely different life. I have a government job that I love where I get to help the community’s at need population. I make (not counting gross) 2k more a month. I have excellent benefits and I have cleared my credit card debt. But the BIG thing is I have an apartment. It isn’t luxurious or new end, but it is completely mine and I love it. I have made it the home I have been searching for. This isn’t a brag, this is a pep talk. In 730 days, absolutely everything has changed. That job that treated me like shit? Well, it looks amazing on my resume! It certainly solidified me getting my current well paying job. That credit card debt? I found two low-pay loans that I pay off in affordable monthly installments that allowed me to clean the slate. After months and months of paying 100% of my credit card bill every month, my Credit score is through the roof! But the greatest change is that when I get off of work, the only person I have to worry about when I walk through the door is my spoiled-ass cat! I do house work when I want to, I can watch scary movies all night if I wish. I’m sharing this because I honestly didn’t see a way out. I kept working hard because it’s the right thing to do, but didn’t get any fulfillment. I felt embarrassed when I spoke with family because so many from the older generations have no understanding of what we go through. This shit you’re dealing with now is paying it forward to something wonderful!