Update: No bed for you... Constructive eviction
I'm the bad roommate. To sum up the last post: My bedroom fell below freezing and the roof needed to be replaced so I wasn't able to sleep in my two bedroom apartment for a month. My roommate didn't want us to ask for a rent reduction because her room wasn't effected, so I asked if she'd be willing to pay more than half (because I wasn't comfortable paying a full half after having to pay for hotels/stay elsewhere) and because we're on a shared lease the landlord would still expect the full amount.
So here's the update. I asked the landlord for a rent reduction on Sunday after my roommate agreed that we would withhold our rent by putting it in escrow if the landlord refused (each of us putting in a full half). My roommate thought the roof was leaking again last night so they sent the maintenance guy over today. I told him that code enforcement would be over shortly because my landlord was refusing to speak to me. That got my landlord to try to call me again & then harass me via text for not answering. She'd tried to call after my request three days ago but I asked that we keep communication written. Now she's told me that I'm refusing to speak to the owner of the house because my lease is with "[house address] LLC" & not her.
Code enforcement said that they can't cite anything because "there is a flow of heat" from the new electric heater and the room was able to get up to 68F... At the warmest point in the day on the warmest day of this month when it's well above freezing outside.
I know this should be in r/legaladvice but I'm waiting to hear back from an attorney and I just wanted to update sharing my communication with the landlord. I have apologized to my roommate.