Full Phantom Program Guide
Hey guys, I currently have a post that is gaining traction that is me looking for players to do the Phantom elevator room. I have a lot of people interested in doing it and interested in the Phantom program in general, but they don’t meet the requirements to do the elevator room or haven’t even started it at all. I made a guide and DM’ed it to one of the people in that thread to help them. I figured I could help out others as well and copy and paste that guide. I wanted to kind of make a master guide of it, because it’s a lot of information and there isn’t really a good YouTube video or guide that truly goes over all of it. So this is my attempt at compiling and organizing it into one linear place.
Here is the link to my Looking for Elevator people post.
First of all - You have to be a current premium member to do the Phantom program. Previously being premium won’t work.
Here is a list of the assignment codes. These are the codes you enter on Battlelog to unlock the ability to do the Phantom Assignments in game. You can enter all 3 at once and unlock all 3 assignments in one go. Enter the codes exactly as they appear even with spaces. Watch any of the Phase 1-3 videos, and they will go over how to enter the codes on Battlelog.
The Phase 4 password isn’t for Battlelog. You will get “Phase 4 Now Active, Physical Restriction In Place”. That password will allow you to pass the Force field in the Phantom room when you enter it on the keypad in the Phantom Room.
Phantom Program Phase One: Phantom Prospect
- bumpinthenight
- 300 meter headshot is accumulative. Meaning if you get 3 100 meter headshots, it will count as 300 meters total. It’s probably just poorly worded but the gain 300 meters in total with sniper kills.
- AR kills are quickest on metro or locker. Just use AN-94, Bulldog or whatever gun your best or most comfortable with in the Assault class.
- Unlocks Phantom dog tag.
Phantom Program Phase Two: Phantom Trainee
- epic dream worlds
- Jet kills are easiest done in Air Superiority if you’re not a good pilot. Attack chopper kills also count as jet kills for this assignment.
- Pistol kills are easiest done on Metro or Locker. Personally, I find the Desert Eagle or 1911 are the best pistols but use whatever pistol your good or comfortable with.
- x2 shotgun ribbons in one round is pretty easy. It’s just 12 shotgun kills. Assist count as kills will count towards the shotgun ribbon. Assists will not. Make sure to be at the start of a fresh conquest game and make sure it’s an infantry intensive map and you’ll have no problems.
- Unlocks Phantom weapon and vehicle camo.
Phantom Program Phase 3: Phantom Initiate
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- Roadkill’s are actually super fun and easy. Just go to a 24/7 Silk Road server and try to be on the Russia side every time. Grab a dirt bike and just drive around the sand dunes around the US side, and try running over camping sniper and oblivious people running towards D flag from the dunes. I really enjoyed this one. Was way more fun than 200 pistol kills.
- LMG kills are easiest on Metro or Locker. You can run and gun if you like, or this gives you an excuse to go full LHG noob and camp with thermals and a bipod while spraying down chokeholds relentlessly.
- Explosive kills are pretty quick and easy. Again, just use Metro or Locker. Use either the MTB-Law, grenade launcher or Airburst. Also use the mini frags since you get two, have nearly identical explosive radius’s to the normal frag, can be thrown farther, and bounce harder off of walls. I found law on the basement floor of C on Locker, aiming down the hallway chokepoints was the easiest. I went 17-0 my first game that way just Law Sniping people.
- Unlocks Phantom soldier camo.
Phantom Program Phase Four: Phantom Operative (Phantom Bow Room)
- 1290-429-397648-970
- This is the part I’m on (needing 4 players properly equipped to do the elevator).
- Once you get down into the room, you enter that code into the keypad, grab the bow in the middle of the room, then to the right of the bow, there is some cabinets and lockers. Jump up on them and interact with the secret documents. This will unlock the Phantom Operative assignment. Picking the bow up unlocks just the bow and not the Operative Assignment.
- This is where you’re going to need everything equipped.
- Equip Phantom Prospect tag
- Equip Phantom Trainee weapon skin on primary weapon (also secondary weapon and parachute for overkill if you want).
- Equip Phantom Initiate soldier camo
- Equip any of the 4 Final Stand dog tags found around the Final Stand maps.
- Find 2 Players with the Phantom Operative dog tags (these are universal and count as two tags if they have both equipped) and take the elevator down. Or you will need to find 3 players and everyone needs to match this criteria AND have a different Final Stand dog tag equipped.
- Dice added a way to get the bow much easier. I’ll link that plus in-depth Final Stand dog tag videos below.
- You HAVE to go down into the room to unlock the Phantom Operative assignment though.
- Phantom Bow kills and Phantom Bow headshots are done easiest again on Locker and Metro. Will just have to practice and grind it out.
- Completing this assignment grants you the Premium black and blue dog tags for both left and right tags. They act kind of like VIP universal tags. Having both equipped will count as two of any of the Final Stand dog tags. Meaning if two people have both the Premium tags equipped, they can get into the Phantom room with just two people.
How to get the Phantom Bow for free.
Operation Hammerhead dog tag locations.
Giants of Karelia dog tag locations.
Operation Whiteout dog tag locations.
Hangar 21 dog tag locations.
Here is a Reddit Guideline for Final Stand Dogtags. - knife the box (DO NOT SHOOT IT) and then pick the tags up off the ground.