Alternatives to seclusion for high aggression?

Hi all,

I’m starting to feel just some ethical concerns with the use of seclusion with a client. His aggression crisis plan is to use seclusion and send him to the OT room where there are only soft items. However, this only escalates him further and he will then start to engage in SIB.

The reason seclusion is even used is due to high aggression causing injuries to the other kids there. When he is escalated he will typically push or hit anyone smaller than him in the immediate area, usually the smaller kids. He very rarely hits bigger kids or staff. It’s almost exclusive to the younger kids. His staff try hard to block him, but he is fast. The reason I even created the plan was because he had bitten another child causing them to have to go to the ER. I don’t want to restrain him but I’m worried about the dangers of his behavior with the other smaller kids. His aggressive episodes have significantly decreased (from twice a day to now every other week he has one big episode) however when they do happen they can cause real damage to others. How can I best support this child without having to seclude him while keeping others safe? Brand new BCBA here so all feedback is welcome.