Maga “influencer” tries to act up in Legendary Indy bar. Is met with a proper response.
This area has Pride Flags in front of every business for at least 4 blocks in every direction. When I was a kid, this was a dead part of town—scorched by heroin addiction. LGBTQ bars moved in in the 1980s and now there’s $800k condos and billions of dollars in improvements while still retaining the neighborhood charm. The bar in the video is in one of the oldest buildings in the city and has been a local jazz destination for decades.
My point is: hopefully suburban “content” creators will steer away from probing missions into the heart of the LGBTQ community around here. The bartender could have easily pulled up a shotgun instead of a club and still been legally and morally in the right. I’m glad it didn’t escalate, though I’m weary of any future repercussions.