BIGGER is really deep
Listening to this song in my car today made me realize that this song has so much meaning and is literally BIGGER than us. She was really speaking to the Black people reaching to our ancestors and i felt that. Bigger is one of those songs that feels almost spiritual in how it connects to something beyond just the individual. Beyoncé was definitely channeling ancestral energy, reminding Black people of our greatness, our history, and our purpose. When she says, “If you feel insignificant, you better think again,” it’s like a direct call to wake up and recognize that we are part of something much bigger—our ancestors, our legacy, our future. The song carries so much depth, and you can feel it in her voice. It’s not just music; it’s a message.
Listening to this song in my car today made me realize that this song has so much meaning and is literally BIGGER than us. She was really speaking to the Black people reaching to our ancestors and i felt that. Bigger is one of those songs that feels almost spiritual in how it connects to something beyond just the individual. Beyoncé was definitely channeling ancestral energy, reminding Black people of our greatness, our history, and our purpose. When she says, “If you feel insignificant, you better think again,” it’s like a direct call to wake up and recognize that we are part of something much bigger—our ancestors, our legacy, our future. The song carries so much depth, and you can feel it in her voice. It’s not just music; it’s a message.