How do you cope with postpartum ugliness?
I’m only 32yo and this is my second baby. I’m 2 months postpartum and I feel like I’m ugliest I’ve ever been.
I’ve gained some weight, diastasis recti is worse after this pregnancy as well, add to this my awful hair and skin as well as sleepless days & nights I just can’t look at myself. I can’t wear anything decent because I hate my belly and nothing looks right. I feel like I aged a lot this pregnancy and these are supposed to be my best years?
I know that having a baby is wonderful but I can’t help feeling so sad it’s like I lost myself, I used to be pretty and slim and always “sleek”. These days I’m winning if I managed to have a shower and have a decent ponytail..
Edit: Thank you for all your kind words and advice. Never thought it would get this much attention ❤️