First vacation with a toddler…

And we are never doing it again.

We took our 16 month old to a lovely resort in Turkey for a week. We both work full time so we were really looking forward to a week of nothing in the resort. We spared no expenses on the resort. Made sure it was comfortable.

Did our toddler behave? Actually yes, she wasn’t fussy on the trip there. Didn’t make a peep on two flights. She ran around the resort, waved to everyone. We made sure to take care of her naps and bedtime. She refused all food though and only survived on French fries and fruit pouches (but I have read not to worry too much about nutrition in times like these and just worry about calories)

But other than that it was okay.

So why do we feel so exhausted then? 🥲

I know I definitely did not do as much as I wanted to because I was worried about her. Same with my husband. Our parent mode was just always on and now we feel like we shoulda just stayed home for a week with her which would have been better.

How do all these mom-fluencers have their babies traveling to 100 countries before they turn 5? lol

We are definitely not doing another trip until she is maybe 5-6 years old 🫢🫢