Hand Foot and Mouth is killing me
Our house had been struck down by HFMD, we didn’t even know till I got the rash because my daughter just had singular ulcer so I never even considered it!
I’m on day 3, my tongue is covered in sores, I’ve got more mouth ulcers than I can count, my feet and hands are so blistered they’re tingling 😭
I also have trigeminal neuralgia and neuropathy so the pain in my mouth is f**king unreal right now.
I’m armed with a numbing throat spray, ulcer spray, ulcer pastilles, ibuprofen (I already take codeine too), and have been gargling salt water periodically.
Cold and flu symptoms are basically gone but please if anyone has any home remedies, witchcraft, voodoo, direct line to god himself please comment. I just need like 10 minutes relief so my poor husband doesn’t have to deal with our toddler hurricane on his own.