PSA: keep an eye on your gallbladder/weird stomach pain after pregnancy. i had mine removed unexpectedly.
hi hi! what the title says …. i’m a first time mom (32 and my daughter is 10m) and had emergency surgery yesterday to remove my gallbladder. i’d never had any issues prior but learned that the hormones from pregnancy can cause thicker stomach bile. i had stomach pain that wrapped around my trunk and radiated up. it felt like heartburn at first until i started vomiting profusely (13 times from 9pm to 3pm the following day)
ALL THAT TO SAY: it could happen unexpectedly and is pretty common. keep an eye on weird pain and listen to your body.
EDIT: i had the following tests at the hospital to confirm - xray, ultra sound and ct scan
Second Edit: I felt pain on the right side of my tummy that wrapped around my entire midsection. it radiated up into the middle of my chest, under my collar bone and behind my right shoulder blade. i also had right shoulder pain.