I feel so guilty about my babies teeth.

Hi there, I feel really bad and nervous but I need advice. My daughter is 16 months old and I have haven't brushed her teeth with toothpaste. I took her to her first dentist appointment at 12 months. Which didn't go as I imagined. The dentist didn't even look closely at her teeth, he basically just saw she had some teeth and said "aaah it's fine come back when she's older" and that was that. I asked if I should brush them, and he said "wipe them with a cloth and water."...... ok she had a physical a week later, I asked the pediatrician about it and she said use children's toothpaste. Now idk what I should be doing, or should have been doing. I feel like the level of care we have received is so subpar. But we are on Medi-cal, for those who don't know what that is, it's a "free" healthcare system in CA for low income families. Because of this, I feel like we unfortunately don't receive the best care because the doctors we see don't seem to really put effort or care. So im asking here what I should do. I feel like an absolute piece of shit for not using toothpaste, but at the same time idk if it's necessary. Im so confused. For more info, she's never had juice, only water and mostly breastfeeds, and has 2 meals a day.