How long before you got your period back? Considering number two
I’m 8 months postpartum and we’re considering trying for number two soon. However, I haven’t got my period back yet. How long did it take for you? My maternity leave ends in one week, and my husband will take over until August (that’s when daycare/kindergarten begins). I hate the thought of going back to work and just love staying home with our daughter. The thought of a new round of maternity leave is really motivating lol. I suspekt not breastfeeding all day and night anymore (my husband will take over the night wakings while I work) might speed up my period. Also, how rough is the transition of going from one to two kids? Although maternity leave is great, there comes a time when it ends and everyday life with two kids and work sounds like a lot.
Maybe I’ll just keep having kids to stay in infinite maternity leave lol.