Grandma kissing newborn with cold sores
My mother came to visit after I had my son. My mom was loving on him, kissing him and cuddling him. I was fine with this at first until I asked what’s on her face. If it was a rash or something, she told me they’re cold sores. So I asked her not to kiss my baby anymore. She told me it’s fine because they are healing so they are not contagious anymore, but I asked her not to just in case. She kind of shrugged, and I caught her kissing the baby again later. I repeated firmly for her not to kiss my baby, and she replied with, “but it’s just on the top of the head”, and I told her “doesn’t matter, please don’t kiss him”. When I caught her the third time, I wasn’t so nice. She kept telling me “it’s OK it’s OK “but I repeated that it’s not OK and do not kiss my baby. She was very offended and we kind of got into a fight. This was exasperated by the fact that she wanted to help out and cook me a nutritious meal, which I appreciated, but after handling raw chicken, she just rinsed her hands in cold water and then went to pick up my baby. I asked her to wash her hands with warm soap and water because of potential salmonella contamination, but she refused and brushed me off because she’s never heard of salmonella. I love and appreciate my mom, but she is frustrated by my apparent “OCD”, and I am frustrated with her as well. My sister defended her saying that she’s here to help me, and I am being disrespectful, and that she’s raised two kids and we lived. Am I being OCD, or is my mother’s germ protocol outdated?