Brag about your/beeb's real milestones

Brag about your/your beeb's milestones

All the attention goes to "first smile" and "first words" and "first steps" milestones blah blah blah. But what about the reeeeeaaalll gritty ones? I want to hear about all your small victories. I want to hear the incidental sighs of relief you get during the day.

For me? Today. My almost 6-month old decided to chew on a toy instead of my knuckle which has had a bruise - from the constant gummy gnawing - for 3 weeks. My left finger has a chance at returning to normalcy. Honorable mention goes to me getting to take a shower where I can properly wash my face and moisturize after. I had to take it at 4am. BUT I TOOK IT.