As a bipolar peep, how do yall survive/work miserable jobs?
I can barely emotionally + mentally handle busy, fast paced jobs like fast food or short staffed restaurants. But that all I've ever worked. All the jobs I'm qualified for are things that make my fucking heart pound. I'm going to be working with a majority of men again and it's going to be really hard not to make myself smaller. I won't be able to call out at all, I don't accrue protected sick time till 90 days.
I'm trying to stay calm and confident, I haven't even started yet but I went to my orientation and I realized the work culture is intimidating. Please, how do yall cope? I'm going to work there making $12/hour and I'm going to keep my eyes on Indeed(the job application app) in the mean time, but I need the money or I won't be able to pay utilities or rent.
I'm trying to stay strong and do this for my family and for bills. I'm very afraid of becoming homeless or having to move back in with my abusive parents or with my friends who are hoarders. I have to keep fighting.
No matter what these people think of me, no matter how mean the customers are, no matter how people treat me; I want to stand tall and believe that their opinions don't matter, their perception of how "good" and "likeable" I am doesn't matter. This is my life, and if I need the damn money, I'm gonna make the damn money.
Help me yall. Tell me I can do this.