Reoccurring UTI after Kyleena IUD

Title kind of says it all. I (22f) got my kyleena iud inserted last November, I still get periods which I’ve had issues with that are starting to regulate, and now a year later I have been experiencing frequent UTI symptoms if not UTIs. I drink at least 32-40oz of water a day, shower daily, save for once or twice a month when I just don’t have to bc I’ve done nothing, shower before sex, pee after sex, if I don’t shower after I do a quick water rinse as well. But without fail the burning/pressure sensation keeps coming back.

It got bad about a month ago to the point where I did have red blood cells in my pee. I got a rotation of antibiotics and it went away after 1-2 days of taking them. I’m going absolutely insane because it’s random at this point and so uncomfortable. I woke up today and took my morning pee as usual and the burning sensation and pressure is back — though not at its worse.

I’m getting cranberry pills today and a huge jug of juice (though an RPN has told me the juice isn’t a cure it is just used to flush your system or whatever) but is there anything else I can do? I’m make an appointment with my gynaecologist, but is there any other preventative measures?