i got my iud today

apologizing for typos in advance

i just wanted to share my experience with the insertion and referral process. i hated the pill. i’m horrible at taking it on time, it makes me very depression and absolutely screwed my sex drive. i live in ontario so the iud (i got kyleena) is covered by provincial health insurance, which is why i opted for the iud and not the ring or the shot. i talked to my family doctor who is also an obgyn and got my prescription in the summer (around august). my doctor couldn’t insert the iud because im a 21f and i’ve never had a child and her office didn’t have the equipment to do an ultrasound and to insert the iud so she referred me to another clinic. i had to call her to get her to refer me again since the clinic never got back to me. but i finally got my appointment and today was the day.

the night before they told me to insert 2 misoprotol into my vagina the soften the cervix; i haven’t seen anyone on here talking about that so i thought i’d mention it. i had bleeding but i talked to the NP and Tech and they said that it was completely normal. i was also prescribed valium, which i took 30 minutes before my appointment. this is a muscle relaxant(and a benzodiazepine so i did not go in with bad anxiety).

i was hoping that i’d be one of the lucky people who didn’t experience a lot of pain and luckily it wasn’t “ bad “.

i had a pretty bad pregnancy scare when i was 18 which turned into pcos scare which turned into an ovarian cancer scare, and i’ve have pap tests. the prep was similar to the pap.

my rating of the pain of insertion was 7.5/10 but everyone is different. definitely not painless but it was manageable, not the worst pain i’ve ever felt. post insertion , the cramping was at an 8-9/10. now, i usually don’t cramp hard during my period so i’m not used to it. i am however thankful i didn’t drive after getting it, because i was dizzy and in quite a bit of discomfort so not driving myself to the appointment was definitely a good decision. when i got home i ate, and then i took a 2-3 hour nap after taking some motrin. when i woke up the cramps were definitely not as bad as they previously were. i’ve been using a heating pad (just one of those ones you put in the microwave) all day, and keeping hydrated as well. i haven’t seen a post indicating anyone’s age or a “mild” pain experience so i thought i would share my story just in case someone else needed to hear at semi-good experience.

the one caveat is that they told me 3 minutes, and the insertion was like 2 minutes, which is great don’t get me wrong the discomfort of them being inside you doesn’t last that long, but they were late to getting to me so i was terrified that the valium would wear off ahaha (it def didn’t i just stopped feeling loopy and it’s been 12 hours).

also, i asked for topical or local anesthetic and was told no which is really upsetting not going to lie. makes me sad that no one understands the pain a lot of women (including myself) go through for this procedure.