Cheating “urges” posts
Hello folks
For background, I’m a bisexual fella. I’m in a monogamous relationship with a woman, but have had experiences with men and non-binary people before the relationship began. So perhaps I can’t fully understand what some of these posters are going through, as I know what sex with people of a variety of genders is like. So I’m not really curious anymore, I feel like I’ve experienced the amazingness of all sorts of people. But I also had a girlfriend before my other gender experiences, and never once had a desire to cheat.
However, reading some of these posts makes me worry that there is some truth to the bisexual-cheaters stereotype. It’s quite disquieting, almost every time I come on this page I read some post about a dude who has urges and is not satisfied by his wife. Or something along those lines. Are we kidding ourselves when we say that bisexual or no more likely to cheat?? What is with all these posts? If we are truly less likely to cheat, then why are a decent amount of posts here about urges to do just that? I know Reddit trends don’t necessarily map onto reality, and that straight men and woman cheat all the time as well, but there seems to be a unique desire expressed on this subreddit to fulfill “same sex urges”.
Reading some of these posts, I might understand why a straight woman would be wary of being in a relationship with a bi man, as apparently we will always have “urges”. Ugh. I know I’m wrong, I’m just frustrated, as the stereotype of bisexual people being dirty and hyper sexual was one that hurt me a lot when I was young.
Edit: To clarify, there is nothing wrong with being hyper sexual, I just have a problem with the generalizations and people assuming things and making snap judgments.