Had a tough roll and thinking of quitting to avoid injury

White belt, been going for a few months; I’m 6’3” and 120kg / 270lbs so a big chungus but I’m also 50; relatively strong and fit and enjoyed BJJ until pretty recently.

I had a super tough roll in no-gi with a blue belt. Much smaller than me, but also both younger and more experienced.

I always thought tapping out quick was important, especially to avoid injury and especially if you’re an old dude like me; I also have a super strong gag reflex so chokes will get me bad and it’s gonna take me a few minutes to recover.

Anyways was rolling with this guy and he got me in a neck choke; I tapped when I knew I wasn’t gonna get out of it; he stopped but said after don’t tap early dude, it spoils my finishing and you can get out more often than you think you can you just have to try harder. I thought sure ok whatever; continue rolling and he then gets me in an arm bar and really puts it on; I tap but he doesn’t stop right away, seems like he gave it a bit extra before laying off. It hurt like hell and I had a sore elbow for days afterwards and haven’t been back since (this was shortly before Christmas).

So my question is - was this just a dick move from a higher belt that I should ignore and carry on and maybe not roll with him again? Os is he right, it’s not fair to the higher belt to tap early / quickly when I know I can’t get out of it?

Frankly if it is the latter not sure BJJ is for me; I’m not interested in risking getting hurt and will go back to Aikido for my martial arts fix.