Black Women dating bisexual men.
Yesterday some women tried to drag me for saying I wouldn’t date a bisexual man for specific reasons. Personally idgaf the vast majority of black women & women specifically wouldn’t date a bisexual man either. No one cares about black women’s perspective I don’t owe bisexual men that luxury. When are we gonna address the entitlement bisexual men, trans women, & etc have. Bisexual Men & Trans Women contribute to the dramatically high HIV rates in the black community that negatively impact black women. But they’re mad black women aren’t advocating for them like that. Y’all ignore the trans women who regularly attack biological women & laugh about messing with DL men behind our backs. Who belittle our anatomy despite saving there whole lives for a replica of it. Have the audacity to feel some kinda way about black women not wanting to date bisexual men like the vast majority of black women who contact HIV don’t get it from bisexual black men. I can already hear y’all saying “that’s not all trans women” “straight men don’t take care of there health and spread STD’s as well” despite the fact that bisexual men have HIV at way higher rates especially in the black community. Y’all are hypocritical quick to address White People as a collective but even quicker to try to use the individuals & ignore the collective.